Loving Christ,

Loving Others

We are a welcoming Catholic community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people. Email us.

Our mission is to bring tranforming love of Christ into the lives of all we meet. Through sharing Eucharist, Prayers, Worship and Service we seek to strengthen ourselves in love and respect for one another and reach out to our broader community and world.

Our vision is to be effective "Stewards of the Gospel" we become Christ's faithful witnesses of the gospel. We offer our time, talents and treasure in service to St. Rita Parish Family and reach out to the broader communities and our world. Missionary clergy, religious and our ancestors lead us to plant good seed in the soil of faith so this work will grow and produce much fruit to the glory of God in His Kingdom.

About Us
Mass Times
Religious Education
Upcoming Events

Explore Our Church

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am

​Daily Mass:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday: 7:00am

St. Gabriel Mission
Wailuanui, Keanae
1st & 3rd Sundays 11:00am


St. Rita: Saturdays 3:30pm - 4:00pm

St. Gabriel: Before Sunday Mass

Anointing of the Sick

Please contact the office at (808) 575-2601

Baptisms Weddings & Funerals  

Please contact the office at (808) 575-2601

Divine Mercy Prayer

Every Fridays at 3:00pm 


Pray the Rosary

Weekdays Tuesday thru Friday Morning Mass at 7:00am

Saturdays before Mass at 4:30pm

Sundays before Mass at 8:00am

News and Events

  • New Parishioners

    Newcomers are encouraged to register with the parish and are welcome to participate in all parish activities and ministries. Registration forms are available at the rear of the church.

    Please submit forms to the Parish Office at 655 Haiku Rd., Haiku, HI 96708.

  • St. Rita’s Ministry Programs

    In baptism, we are all called to actively participate in bringing about the reign of God, in serving our brothers and sisters in need. Through our Church Ministry programs we offer opportunities to exercise the Christian call to service.

    Please pray about joining any one of these ministries to continue the work of Jesus in our community














    and many more ministries….


    Persons interested, please call the parish office. (808)575-2601

  • Help Wanted

    Job Opening —Part -time Secretary

    • Supports administrative operations for the parish including communication to parishioners and the public, scheduling appointments, processing mail, record keeping and other administrative duties to ensure proper operation of the parish.

    • Assists in coordination of parish staff activities and committees including scheduling meetings and providing administrative support.

    • Participates in supporting ministries, assisting in inviting, welcoming and registering new parishioners.

    • Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft Office programs.

    Apply on -line at: https://www.hrsymphony.com/hrs/careers/RCCH

  • Church Cleaners Wanted


    We are seeking monthly church cleaners for June thru December. You may sign-up as a family or a group. 

     Sign-up sheet is located at the back bulletin board.

    This Ministry is in need of your HELP.

  • Memorial Tiles

    If you are interested in purchasing Memorial Tiles ($120 each tile), forms are available at the entrance of our Church.

Mass Intentions:

Stephen Cabral
Nathan Perreira
Isaac James Honokaupu
Frank & Mary Estrella

Please Pray For Our Sick Brothers and Sisters:
James Gonzalez-Wesley
 Rosemary Robbins
Debbie Faborito
Rachel Cravalho
Robert Robello
Melissa Prince
Stanley Lee
Fr. Chacko Muthoottil
Winona Martinez
Clarita Pimentel
Helen Estrella
Jeremy Konohia
Felicia Gonzalez
JoAnn Potter
Rosaline DeMello
Susan Redpath
Sissy Latham
Kris Jacowicz

Sr. Bernadette Meno made her perpetual vows as a Diocesan Hermit, consecrated in poverty, chastity and obedience. Much of her day is spent in prayer. If you have any prayer requests please send them to:
Sister Bernadette Meno
Email : hawaiicatholichermit@aol.com

If you have a prayer request, please post mail them to St. Rita Church.

Support our parish by mailing in your offerings. Your donations are greatly appreciated. Checks can be made payable to St. Rita Church.

A Message From Fr. Robert

Today’s readings warn us not to be jealous or intolerant of others. In the first reading, we read about Moses’s aide, Joshua, and Joshua’s jealousy directed toward two men who were prophesying in the camp without attending a Spirit-giving ceremony first.

Responding to God’s Call to Prophesy

Moses told Joshua to be tolerant and rejoice in the prophesying work of others. “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets!” Moses said. This scripture passage from the Book of Numbers is an invitation for us to share God’s word and support others who do so, also. It does not matter how we have been called or where we are, what matters is that we respond to God’s call to prophesy.

Working for Social Justice

In the second reading from James, we read a shocking condemnation of the rich. The rich will be held accountable for their actions. James speaks out against the rich who refuse to give workers a living wage, ignore the needs of others, and condemn or murder the innocent. Living in our affluent society today, we must heed this message about social justice. Through baptism, we are called to generously share our financial resources and to work for social justice through peaceable means.

Being Tolerant of Others

In the Gospel, we read about intolerance again, this time among Jesus’ apostles. John complains to Jesus that a man outside their group had exorcised demons in Jesus’ Name, despite the Apostles’ attempt to stop him. Jesus responded by saying, “whoever is not against us is for us.” He rewards the outsiders for doing good deeds and chastises the Apostles for their intolerance.

Never Leading Others Astray

We also hear Jesus’ warning against leading others astray, especially children, vulnerable members of society, and those new to the faith. By using a surprising metaphor of cutting off a limb, Jesus warns us to separate ourselves from anything that causes us to sin. Sin leads to spiritual death, and we are called to everlasting life instead. We have much to think about this week! Thank you for the thoughtful birthday wishes messages, prayers, and blessings I received. I am eternally grateful. God bless you all!

St. Rita's Thrift Store

St. Rita’s Thrift Store Hours of operation Tuesday’s from 8am—12pm Sunday from 9:45—12pm VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TUESDAY’S & SUNDAY’S We will be closed Tuesday, October 8th

Hour of Operation

Tuesdays: 8:00am - 12:00pm

Sundays: 9:45am - 12:00pm

We will be closed on Tuesday - 10/08/24.

Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays and Sundays.

Repainting of Interior & Exterior of our Church

The repainting of the interior & exterior of our church will start on Monday - 09/30/24.

THANK YOU for your patience & cooperation.

Morning mass will be held in the parish hall.

Weekend Masses will be as usual in the church.

Please pray for the success of this project.



(See Syllabus posted below)

SEPTEMBER 29 - Meeting at 11AM - Unit Three - Eucharist and Reconciliation.

This unit covers: The Eucharist, The Mass, The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation

(We will view the Third and Fourth Session of Bishop Robert Barron’s “The Sacraments-“THE EUCHARIST and RECONCILIATION” during this class.)

OCTOBER 06 - Meeting at 11AM - Need to follow up on requirements to be ready for sacraments.

There will be more scheduled classes after the Mass on October 13th. TBA

Children/Youth Faith Formation Information

The following classes are for those who need Sacrament(s) Preparation:

Sept. 29 - Class for Children

Oct. 06 - Class for Children

Oct. 13 - Class for Youth Group

Oct. 20 - Class for Children

Class will star after Mass (approx. 9:45am - 11:00am)

If you are interested, please contact the Parish office

(808) 575-2601 and leave a message.

Rita will get back to you.


And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)

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